This Week in Raiding

Okay on the whole this was not a good week of raiding for us. While we did clear MC and onyixia in under 6 hours over two nights that does not really matter. MC is easy. You can 10 man MC. The thing we are focused on is BWL.

Skier made a very good point over vent about how you can toss around strats all day but when it comes down to it what really matters is the execution, which was severly lacking. In an instance as hard as BWL every single person’s level of play is important. You can’t squeek by on the backs of 24 players in BWL. Saturday night to start our kiting was horrible and by the end our mage killing was horrible. Without those two key pieces going perfect together we will not be killing Razoregore. If you do not want to bring your best game to BWL, then do not come.

That being sayed, be prepared for things to go much smoother next weekend and stay frosty.