Tuesday, January 20th, 20093.0.8 Released. Patchnotes. Members see member forums for patch download if the Blizz downloader is going slow.
3.0.8 Released. Patchnotes. Members see member forums for patch download if the Blizz downloader is going slow.
Last night STNY was able to push through the last few bosses in Naxx 25. Great work last week raiders! The progression page has been updated accordingly.
Three bosses in one night: Patchwork, Grobbulus, and Gluth. Way to go raiders! Progression page has been updated accordingly.
Last night STNY completed the Military Quarter of Naxx 25 by downing the Four Horsemen. I updated the progression page. Good work all involved.
A DKP page has been added to to help you keep track of your points. Talk to Kymanis (loot officer) if you have any questions.